Monday, July 13, 2009

Mentoring Give Away and Training webinar recording

Hello S,

I hope you enjoyed Derek???s Webinar. In case something came up
and you were not able to attend you can view it at this page.

Dereks Webinar

I recommend that you take the time to watch it. I think you will
definitely benefit from Derek???s experience and wisdom in the

On another note Derek is up 654 pips since the beginning of the
month. That is over 200 pips from that last email I sent out  just
last week so if you have not tried his signaling service now is a
great time to do so. You can sign up for his live service for what
you spend on coffee:

Dereks Live Signal Service

Once you have watched the webinar you will find that Derek has
an unusual way of teaching however it is very affective. Derek  has
a training program that is one month long and only allows 15
traders to take part in the program each month. Derek is over half
full at this point and the spots are going fast.

To lock in your spot click this link:

Dereks Mentoring

Free 1 Month Mentoring Give away!!

The details of the Give away are below. One lucky trader will get
Dereks training Free. Read through the information to register. If you
have already purchased Derek???s mentoring for next month you are still
eligible. Class starts this Thursday...

Professional Trader and Coach Shares Strategy Responsible for
1000 PIPS A Month With 15 Lucky Traders 


Get eight (8), two hour live mentoring sessions over a period of four weeks. These sessions are laser focused on Derek???s methodology. He will cover everything you need to know in order to walk away as an expert on the Gartley pattern. 

The thing I like about his program is his detail when it comes to creating a risk profile. This is one of the most important aspects of trading and most traders have no idea how to do it.  

Not only will you walk away with a complete system, you will also walk away with an amazing skill that can be implemented into any trade system.  

Derek will walk you through:   

  •   How and why the method was originally developed.
  •     The research necessary for developing the methodology
  •      How the research was used to create a viable trading system
  •      How to implement it into your own trading. 

You see the great thing about this program is that Derek not only teaches you a system, he teaches you how it was developed.  Why is that important? In learning how the system was developed you begin to understand the process of developing your own system, becoming your own trader.

You see Trading is about taking ownership of something and really running with it. This is how you build confidence. You have to be passionate about your trading so you will truly know it backwards and forwards.

So in addition to a complete understanding of the Gartley pattern and how to implement it into your trading you will also receive Derek???s personalized assistance in constructing your own system. One that fits your trading style.

Some traders prefer to trade long term while others are not comfortable holding positions long term. It???s important to identify what you are most comfortable with. Otherwise success may continue to evade you.

So when it???s all said and done you should expect to have accomplished a few things.

  •  learned a complete and verified trading system 
  •  Have the system tailored to your comfort level 
  •  Create a complete Risk management profile that works for you 
  •  Identify how to analyze and adjust your performance 

In addition to the 16 hours of structured training you will also receive 40 hours of daily market analysis where you get to see Derek???s system in live market. This gives you two months to implement the system on your own while still having complete access to Derek on a daily basis for questions and answers.

The best information you can get regarding his training program would be information provided by someone who has actually attended his training. Here are a few comments from past clients.

"I wanted to thank you for allowing me to be part of this outstanding experience.  Although I'm still relatively new to this, I've always felt a need to be self-sufficient as a trader rather than simply rely on signals or someone else's black box system or EA. 

This training has already given me an understanding of the markets that I never imagined I would have.  So in my long-winded way, I want to express my sincere appreciation." 

"Derek is brilliant and obviously knows his stuff.  Answers emails clearly and quickly." 

"So far I've found your course very useful; it's definitely significantly improved my confidence that I will soon become a consistently profitable trader.  Having access to Derek with his wealth of experience is extremely helpful.   I feel that I've received very good value."

"I'm very impressed with your course and wouldn't have any hesitation in recommending it."

"I've been using the instructions Derek gave to trade a demo account.  Although I'm maintaining a 50% win/loss ratio, the winners exceed the losers by 3-to-1!!!  This is truly amazing!  And we're not even halfway finished with the mentoring!!!!"

So far all I have talked about is the methodology and content that you will learn. I almost forgot to mention the pattern recognition software that you will also receive. This is the same software seen in Dereks webinar video posted to this email above.

With the economy tanking the way it is, more and more people are looking for an alternative and the Forex is definitely an attractive option but you must approach it like any other profession. I was talking to a friend of mine the other day who is in an industry that was hit pretty hard by the recession. He is a mechanic that works on high end cars and told me that he is currently being paid around $27.00  an hour and was complaining that he hadn???t got a raise in some time and doesn???t expect to get one any time soon due to the economy.

I asked him about his training and even as a mechanic he has spent countless hours going through different training programs for the different systems on vehicles etc.

You may be asking what this has to do with Derek and his Forex Mentoring. A few things, first I wanted to point out that no matter what your profession, if you want to succeed you have to educate yourself. Second, I am not sure if Derek realizes this or not but I did the math on what he charges for his mentoring and he actually charges less per hour than my mechanic friend makes.

In fact when I started comparing his pricing to other types of training such as music lesson etc. they were all $30 to $200 dollars an hour. Then I looked at Forex Mentors and what their hourly rates where and they were all $250 and up.

If you are looking for a Mentor that will give you the one on one attention provided in this small class room atmosphere and charge you less than a mechanic charges to diagnose the rattle under your hood then this is a very good route to take and at a very affordable rate.

Before I wrap things up lets talk about the Give Away. To register simply click the link under my name at the bottom of this email  and you will be automatically registered to win.

I do want to mention one more thing in closing. This program is set in an open discussion with audio. This means that you will be able to ask question as well as hear others questions as opposed to typing them in. It is as close to being in a real classroom as  you can get without actually traveling.  

Sign up today For Dereks 1 Month Mentoring


Buy Now Button



P.S. Dont Forget Dereks 1000 pip month in 2009 Garantee. If you dont make 1000 pips in a month during 2009 get 12 months free access to forextradersdaily's own Daily Trader Room.

Kind Regards,

Dustin Pass



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PO Box 8453 Merrill Road
Jacksonville, FL 32277
United States

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